Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wake Up Mr. West! [Bitter]

I really need to address cause this man's ego is really getting on my nerves to the fullest like its taking over my mind space and shit. I really cannot fathom this shit sometimes. Does he not hear himself.

“Put this in the magazine: There’s nothing more to be said about music. I’m the f*cking end-all, be-all of music. I know what I’m doing. I did 808s in three weeks. I got it. It’s on cruise control. . . . Man, we talked about music for God knows how long! Now let’s talk about how my fucking sweater didn’t come back right from Korea. That’s what’s interesting me.”

What nigga? Really?


First of all no one will put this man in his place? No one around him, right? He needs to be and quickly. I will the first in line to give Kanye his props . He did change the game a LOT. Totally annihilated the whole "gangsta rap thingy" but he seems to forget that he didn't propel his self into f*#King stardom....

Kanye was always cocky but I'm sorry his last two albums weren't up to parr. Compare to Late Registration...nope*

Up to this day I still play it and still laugh at the fraternity skits....

Graduation was good but it was too commercial every song was ready for airplay and it seem like leftovers from Registration, or maybe he made the songs to early and that type of sound got played.

Graduation was missing the substance......idk jus me

Now 808s and Heartbreak I see where he was going with this one and the sounds and the concepts are fire but it wasn't ready to be released. First of all. 

* He is changing his image
* He is singing [w/ the autotune *sigh*]
*His mother just died and the relationship with his fiance ended

Why he thinks he is the only rapper to do a 180 with this album like I haven't heard it before??

Let's see, I wonder who?

Andre 3000's The Love Below

He did it better and w/o the autotune and he still rapped on some of the tracks and he produced most of the beats from scratch. It fit him perfectly. He wasn't paraded around like he invented music notes.

Missy Elliott's Supafly was done in two weeks and bish years later Im jammin to I Can't Stand the Rain like it came out yesterday.

Pleas and GOD knows I don't need to hear bout your sweater from Korea cause clearly I don't get a shit. Unless your planning on returning it and giving me the refund money. You got this far because of music so of course people are going to ask you questions  bout it.....

I'm sure if Details magazine wanted to know about your Korean sweater They would find the factory or person who made it and interviewed them about the grueling process of knitting for 3 dollars a day. Then plastered them on the cover of the magazine looking borderline indian with the photshopped contouring.

Once Again Please sit down. 
You're not the one, Neo.



Eb the Celeb said...

He gets on my nerves and has lost his natural mind.

zsamurai said...

put up a new POST MUPHUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


William Adam said...

thats just kanye
he thinks everything he does
was created by him or he done it first
hes always gonna be big headed

Andre 3000 hes past all of that
hes way too cool to go on a hype like kanye

the love below must be the only outkast album ive played so much
and ive got them alll
its fookin brilliant haha