Thursday, October 7, 2010

That's Vampy

Shit, its October. Ready for some updates. I recently celebrated my first anniversary with Adam AlottaBalls<-- a spin on his last name. He got me flowers,there was a blue one and I was shocked cause I really don't ask for specifics and shit. When I saw that blue rose it was so pretty. I wish they really grew that way. I use to watch Blood Plus and this guy would give his lover blue roses. I got a new job, and my ass is training. So I won't be seeing a paycheck for awhile. I deleted my facebook because honestly I was never into it. I don't like people and they made a movie for it. Once there's a movie....I get turned off. Pet Peeve Major. Although I do want to watch the movie. I've been neglecting this blog for long enough. Time for some sweetness. We have a puppy named Cloud. Alright let's get to the revamping.

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