It was a nice night for us. It's my boo's 20th birthday and we just let the night do what it suppose to do....
Take us anywhere
First we RSVP'ed to Webster Hall's Valentine's Bash thingy...
Joshua wasn't dressed for it. He had to worked that day....
So my ass scrambled to do something else so we were going to go to Refuge NYC in Brooklyn for their Party.
I left first and met Josh at Michael K and then waited for his ass to finish work. Which was around 10 PM.
Btw he had no idea what was going on...I kinda ambushed his ass.
So its cold and Sasha,David and Emily were suppose to be there by 10 already in front of the store so we could go party our guts way.
I called
"Sasha where are you?"
Shoshannah, We bout to leave now.....
The bish got intoxicated before she even left the house great. So they're on the train and we decided we're not gonna wait for them so we go a restaurant called Cosi right off of Union Square. It was delish.
We just had Dessert. I was having a Bloody Valentine's [insert ewwww here] So that's the next best thing.
They had smores and you make it yourself...Little bonfire included. The ho tchocolate was alrite but it was little suspect like NesQuik. When they arrived we told them to get back on the train. We finally met up and Sasha ate most of our ice cream. We were gonna go to a hookah bar and chillando.
Emily had heels and walked in her stockings the rest of the night.
We went to a sex shop. We tried out different pleasure machines. I spanked Josh. I enjoyed it.
While in the sex shop we see Anthony and Kio and Co. Awkward yes. Will we see each other in church tomorrow of course LOL
We went to Mcdonalds for some nuggets.
Emily lost her purse with all her belongings and actually took it extremely well. It was almost scary.
We found the hookah bar. THe guy at the front was gonna let emily in w/o ID, so nice.
We smoked and talked, took some pictures.
Left around 3.45 smoked some weed.
"OH MY GOD, [whispers] they're smoking reefer!" says nosy ass white gurl on street
We're waiting for the train and exchanging stories.
After a millenia it finally gets here.
We get on, so relieved
"It's so warm..." mid sentence I stopped
We realized what we just entered it was a stench no one could cure and it ripped apart our souls. I turned around with my hands like claws and the doors close. Josh ran to transfer to the next train car and that door is locked too. We were all screaming and yelling it was an awful funk. It was a nasty fishy smell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy's vagina. It was satan himself in smell form. Sasha just kept yelping these funny lines and We couldn't stop laughing.
It was a nice fun night. I mean the things we saw that night.
It all ended with a kiss at 5 in the morning.
Happy Birthday Josh.