Finally Bish. I was wondering who the hell is Adam? LOL
Well Let's start at the beginning
wavy ass lines, more wavy ass lines, Wavy lines getting straighter to a flashback.
Adam was a cool dude. He was Funny. He was apart of discipleship. The same class Josh and I were taking among other friends. I always saw him and he always saw me. We didn't talk. Our circles meshed and this dude was super funny. I can't resist not having a funny friend. Can You? I officially spoke to him at a party last winter. He was posted up against a wall underneath a black light and I saw him not dancing and I can't have it. So I approached him and asked him to dance with him. He wouldn't, I dance on him anyway.
We smoked together that night.
It's amazing how things unfold by such a little moment in life.
Around March I asked him for his number, I wasn't cheating. Josh was right there. I was really looking for a guy friend because I never really had one because they always liked me more than a friend. no bish I'm not conceited theses are facts. So Anygay. We hung out with his friends and it was fun I felt like I finally had a niche, a clique, a posse, a squad, a friend family a...
Britney Meltdown....aight stand by, Do we have the clippers? Ok,We're on in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1
Adam was dropping bombs or he would like to call hints.
I thought he was a liar. A typical guy move, just corrupting his competition to get to me.
Honestly I was using him to get to the truth. I knew something was up. Josh was acting weird.
I was gonna move on. Call our friendship and tell him I no longer would like to subscribe.
I was going to quietly exit the scene. He wouldn't let me go. I would find a way and he would find a way. He won me over. He was the only one who tried to comfort me. Who actually knew what was going on in the clutter old cat lady that I called my brain. Adam played his cards right. I'm not oblivious to how men think. Something wouldn't let me shake him off completely. Something genuine, He was something like me. It was weird. I shared my shame with him.
I cried in front of him
He made me realize that I'm more than a woman. IDK how to explain. He made me realize my power and how I was lowering the settings so as to not to make people jealous, or angry, or just feel some type of way. For some reason people hate people who enjoy life lol. Worrying should I turn my shine down for the sake of others? He's my Nigga. I'm his Nigga.
We have so much in common and nothing in common.
Yes he's fucked up for opening his mouth...but let's be honest. Josh was never going to tell me. Adam liked me, and knew the truth. Plus I was Sherlock Holmes on his ass. Umm Like Duh...
Thank You Adam for making me laugh and walking me through this time in my life....
sidenote: I lost the iPod Josh got me for Christmas around March. I never lose anything. Here's my mom's advice, anything that breaks, gets lost, or etc. If it was a present from a loved one. Shit will ensue...always.