I might as well light my Christmas tree...on fire.
I have no money so I guess I will be Tiny Tim-ing it this year. Full of good cheer and broke.
But I'm a good girl this year and I hopeful have another job coming my way.
In other Broke Ass Chicka News.
My birthday is coming and I'm going to be 20! I'm officially not a teenager....but still in limbo.
I have an old soul, so age doesn't affect me. I feel like a 35 year old woman trapped within childlike confinements and rules.
I wanna have a nice birthday something I can remember. I remember birthdays where I did laundry, nothing much, ate cake. I never really felt mad or felt like something was due to me cause I made another 365 days pass by.....
but still...
I've been reflecting on 2008 It was slow and fast at the same time. I spent the year going through growing pains. I felt like GOD was putting my life in slow motion. It was slow to the point where I was literally watching seconds feel like hours. Choices waiting for decisions.
People taking me for granted. It felt like everyone was moving forward and I had a boulder to carry and a broken watch.
In a sense I knew it was happening to me and I wondered WTF?! Can my plans go the way I want it?!
I'm glad for 2008 cause it leads to 2009 which I will be out....As soon as they say 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year!!!
At the begining of 2008 I promised myself to be truthful and try not to deny or cover up what I feel.
I told my mother a dark secret. One I kept to myself for years....Everytime I would hear this story she would recite and feel so happy, sure of herself. I felt depressed. I told her and I felt so much better. I opened myself up to a certain Kermit and I'm glad I did.
The truth hurts....
I think it hurts more when only you know.
btw I'm reading Twilight. ummm Am I the only one who feels that book is kinda predictable. I'm going to write a book because I'm sure I can come up with a better story.
I think you're definitely not the only one tiny timing it (lol @ that comment) this year. Hard times so gotta just make due.
But good for you on being truthful with yourself first and foremost. Hope 2009 is even better for you.
I felt the same way you did a few weeks ago, turning 20 to me was like okay...blah...lol. Its good you can talk to your mom! I know how hard it is and alot of people don't have that type of relationship. Maybe this is the stepping stone for turning 20, A better relationship with moms? Ugh everyone seems to be reading these twilight books, I feel so out of the loop!!! lol
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