I read Twilight then watched the movie.
The book was kinda predictable but its not for my age group but still... I can enjoy a Jerry Spinelli or Roald Dahl book and that's not for my age group either.
My favorites
Star Girl
Maniac McGee
umm The Witches, The BFG, etc
I found that it Twilight was very keen on telling every detail between the growing love of Edward and Belle. Then when the action started and it finally got good...Stephenie Meyers got tired of typing and ended it with bows and trimming. Like a new Series that realised it wasn't getting picked up for a new season. I watched the movie and it was the same thing. I mean it was a good cat and mouse plot and she ended it too easily, what a cunt bucket.
The sunlight makes them sparkle?
They're just to good to be true. I mean he's flawless and now he sparkles in the sunlight?!
...that's just fucked up
I mean she used a lethal concuction for teenage girls to fall in love with Edward Cullen
He's pretty but in a manly matter not like Zac Efron
He's tall and mysterious. Quiet and brooding. Strong and yet there's a feminine side tha he only shows you....
He finds you irrestible to the point of this... animalistic....raging....hormones....driving.....
conscienceless force [had to give myself a minute to recover *fans self*]
but he denies it cause he doesn't want to hurt you.
But now he's your own personal diamond when it's sunny?!
Also it seems they made a good decision picking Robert Pattinson as the main charater, as for the other vampires they don't look nearly as beautiful. I mean in the book all of them were beautiful. I do love the actor they picked to portray the father Carlise. He used to be in this show I like called Fastlane.

I found myself just staring at Edward Cullen throughout the whole movie.
Yes I was staring at him in Harry Potter.....
Oh one of vampires were black and it jus doesn't make sense to me but he was shiny and healthy as ever. He had no paleness...or maybe greyness to him at all. I find that stupid, you spent all day caking up the the white vampires and no one suggested we mute the black vampire's skin tone. We get pale too. I get purplish, grey, like my golden undertone turned off.
Overall it was ehhh.
I'm reading the second book New Moon. Now that shit is good. Stephanie Meyers must of took a story/plot lesson. Its very addictive. I hope it ends well.
I give this a 6.5 out 10
I would of dropped it two points but its Robert Pattinson...growls
I hate the snow :(
Ugh I'm like the only person who hasn't read this book!!!! lol
what age range is the twilight books for? cause I know a lady whose like 30 who loves LOVES them! lol
i think the second book is better also, im finishing it up now..
the movie was kinda dry tho but blah
oh well i cant wait to start the 3rd book
btw love tghe blog
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