I work overnight on Sundays and every single monday morning no one shows up to take over my shift at 7:00 am
I always leave at 8:40.....
Now Imagine working a whole shift when you're suppose to be sleeping and is rewarded with what......
A Rush
fatass niggas need their bagels, mcgriddles, hotcakes.
I'm about to collapse with no sleep and my body stop functioning around 6:00am.
Today will be different cause guess what?
I'm going to be that inconsiderate bitch this week and leave at 7. On the fucking dot, no exceptions. My coat will be on at 6:59
That McDonalds could be burning down and they'll look up to me to save them and I"ll look down and whisper NO.
girl i feel ya pain, i use to work a shift like that.
lol i feel for you
I have found that the "super employees" are rarely rewarded for their efforts. So did you leave?
Just woke up from my long ass nap LOL. I got to work late like 13 minutes no big so I just left instead of 7, at 7:07. People were actually on time ....
Shocking yes so I don't have to be THAT person. So all is well.
That's true Allie... The only people getting promoted are the people that self promote with nothing to back up on.
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