Monday, July 6, 2009

Hmm...Twas a Good Week

You ever look at your phone and you always see the same time over and over?

My lucky times are


I think 11:11 is my favorite time to look at. LOL cause no other time has 4 of the same numbers.
*sigh* I'm a loser I know, [walks toward the corner and faces the wall]

I've been out every single day except for wednesday. *Gasp* You phucking street rat lol.....
I tried to chill out for sunday but I went out anyways.

Monday I watched Star Trek with Adam [Ill explain who Adam is in an upcoming post]

Tuesday I went to Josh's House and watched Adam's nephew Andre [It was his first bday]
While Adam and Co. fixed the backyard that mexicanos would be pround of.

Wednesday I stayed in.

Thursday Chilled in Co-Op City with Adam and Franchesca. Ate. Weed. Bookstore.
Went back to Fran's Apt. We danced round the coffee table while Adam watched lol. He got a free show.

....As he thirstly watches as Fran danced and beckoned Shoshannah with her hands ever so slightly. Shoshannah Flowed across to her as if she had no feet. They held hands as they fell into each others' rhythm. The booming beat vibrating throught their bodies. Adam put his hand through his hair and adjusted in his seat. Franchesca and Shoshannah let the beat of the music take them. He could feel the seduction.....

Thank You Narrator.

You're welcome Nana

Anyways one of Fran's Love Interest comes and we buy more weed, Kush. He pays and he paid for our late stuffing of our faces at Burger King. I felt like we were all on a date.

Friday Franchesca, The Bestie Emily, and I were suppose to see Transformers but we went to a get together in Queens instead. It was a really nice neighborhood. Like rich. I felt poor looking at it. We drank hang out and smoked some stuff that took me to another level.
It was serious I high fived Jesus, type of high. I felt bad for Emily cause it was her first time smoking and she didnt get high and we were all jackasses.

I'm sorry I gave Emily a glimpse of the dark side.....

Saturday hanged out with my sis Sasha and bro Seth ate. Went to see transformeers in New Roc City. Twas good. Review is coming for that one.

Sunday. Went to Josh's House got high, watched dummy friends lite firecrackers and almost lite themselves, the trees and my hair on fire. LOL

Good Week.

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