The Killers' New track "Human" is on iTunes today...can't wait I love The Killers...hope this album is fantastical. Click the link and listen.
Ummm Britney Spears has a new song called Womanizer its okay, but I tell you people listen to'll know what I mean.
In other news...I found a job a good one too. I hope I do well, if not you won't be hearing anything on it LOL.
I will be a hostess at Bassaco.
Its in Brooklyn...
so anygays I'm listening to CAMP LO "Luchini"
a nice little throwback for you fools who think Soulja Boy is a profit to the hip hop game
in other crap that I don't care about. Ciara has claimed that she didn't really pose nude and she had underwear or some type of clothing on. ...sure Ciara
IDK I get this strange feeling that she trying to save face cause she didn't get a good response from the gamble. I mean If I knew that I didn't pose nude for VIBE I would be sueing VIBE for all they got and making a big ca ca.
I would be in they asses, hell even the creases and crevices
welp good luck Ciara and godspeed
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Who's That??
Who's that? Its me bitches enjoy.....

Those are Sasha's crusty kicks....that trick stole my pic of Beyonce in that gawgeous dress but its aight....I'll put baby powder on her when she's sleeping.

My grills....I like to play some crunk music before I go out. My face was stuck like that for the whole song.

I love this picture so sexiii, Around christmas had my game face on, wanted those presents

recent pic, camera broke so I'm using my iMac....rocking curly hair, oh these puerto rican dudes jus love it...
I don't have time to post and really get my ranting on but I thought I would show you pictures of my sexy self...Growlls LOL...I know you enjoyed it... go ahead put it on your desktop I won't mind.
going out to rob some slippers from crackheads, love
Those are Sasha's crusty kicks....that trick stole my pic of Beyonce in that gawgeous dress but its aight....I'll put baby powder on her when she's sleeping.
My grills....I like to play some crunk music before I go out. My face was stuck like that for the whole song.
I love this picture so sexiii, Around christmas had my game face on, wanted those presents

recent pic, camera broke so I'm using my iMac....rocking curly hair, oh these puerto rican dudes jus love it...
I don't have time to post and really get my ranting on but I thought I would show you pictures of my sexy self...Growlls LOL...I know you enjoyed it... go ahead put it on your desktop I won't mind.
going out to rob some slippers from crackheads, love
Friday, September 26, 2008

Umm We met in church....yes I know, everytime I say that people start laughing at me. Whateva I like to chill in God's bachelor pad, kick rocks losers
They said he was gay. he wasn't jus mizzunderstood. He wasn't my type.
He was tall 6'2 and scrawny, but that nigga can belt out a tune, like if he sang you a song his voice would undress you...he would do the rest.
We would chill at church, talk, blahzzy blah blah.
He ask me to prom. I accepted. I made sure I was the sexiest bitch there. Job accomplished.
He asked me to be his girlfriend. I said "yea"
been together ever since...
He said "I was different from other girls" that just means I'm weird as fuck or he knows I have my manly parts are tucked back in my underwear.
We clash, We mesh, It's all good.
I just don't like that his birthday is on Valentine' WTF?!
I went to a palm reader for the first time...
She actually approached me and I said "why not?"
She had some interesting shit to say, It was actually accurate
She said I was suppose to be with my "soulmate" already.
So I guess this nigga is it...
if not I will make it so...EVEN IF I HAVE TO KILL HIM AND I
*takes out a .45 caliber cocks it back
I got that Paula Patton + Robin Thicke deal.
I call him a "wet tampon" he calls me a "nonchalant clueless bitch"
awww its LOVE
Thursday, September 25, 2008
In the Mood for some Music? ...screw you, imma play it anygay [Sweet]
Thought I would let you know what I'm listening to...the hype stuff at least
Crazy Bitch by Buck Cherry
..yes I like to take a bath and get cozy with the bf and put this on to spark the romance, gets him everytime.
What's It's All About by Girl Talk aka Gregg Giles
He is the ultimate masher-upper man
Once you hear it you will be addicted and if you know or heard all the songs, me and you are best budz for life.
...Love the Busta/The Police part
This is his latest album, Feed the Animals
I am feed, scrumptious indeed
Stay tuned for some more eartastic sounds...
Crazy Bitch by Buck Cherry
..yes I like to take a bath and get cozy with the bf and put this on to spark the romance, gets him everytime.
What's It's All About by Girl Talk aka Gregg Giles
He is the ultimate masher-upper man
Once you hear it you will be addicted and if you know or heard all the songs, me and you are best budz for life.
...Love the Busta/The Police part
This is his latest album, Feed the Animals
I am feed, scrumptious indeed
Stay tuned for some more eartastic sounds...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
TV Shows aka Ur Child's Babysitter [Bittersweet]

I hate/love these types of shows ...I am not going to watch Gossip Girl or 90210 (V2.0)
You know why?
It's the same shit...Its like an addiction you wanna change but you can' feels too good.
I mean how many shows are they gonna do about privileged pretty people with disastrous problems. We get it.
I'm tired of it, I want something different. I mean as much as they wanna say we're just the same only on different levels I don't believe it.
Let's break this down.
Poor people have problems. Rich people make problems for themselves.
That's as simple as I can put it....
I get the moral of the this week's episode, yadda yadda yadda
after I watch these shows I just look around my surroundings and just feel bad.
How come I don't have this or that, etc.
I wanna see a different show. Maybe a show about someone working from the bottom to make to the top. That would be more entertaining to me. I wanna see the journey, give underprivileged children some type of hope.

why is there always the token black person?!
I mean are there no asians, latinos, indians, middle eastern, etc in your environment?
There weren't even people in the background that had some type of ethnicity to them.
...What really pisses me off if they happen to have a boy or girl of color on the show. They will have 5 lines for the whole season.
If they have any type of love interest the other person is of the same ethnicity.
Okay So I am supposed to believe your show has 99.9% white on the show and that one token black guy happens to fall in love with that black girl who magically appears on the show out of the blue?!

On a lighter note, I love me some office
I can't wait for the premiere tomorrow I will be glued to my computer screen.
[I gave up the boob tube about a year ago, I'm about 7 months clean hallelujah]
Oh Goodness [twindles thumbs]
What will become of Dwight and Angela?
Will he ever pop the question?

Entourage is sexy as hell, Its misogynistic but oh so good.
I feel the inspiration bubbling up into my fingertips....Prolly 2 minutes from now I'll write another post.
Barnes & Noble
I went Barnes & Noble today....
It was aight they had the "artsy fartsy" books jammed in a corner, like literally a corner so close to checkout it was ridiculous like wtf?!
...yet they had those trashy novels going on for miles
"My Man and his Best Friend", "The Last Good Kiss" type of books
The only people I'll see reading those books are middle and high school children.
Sometimes those books do not need to be open cause they are explicit as hell.
My eyes were raped the first time someone offered a chapter from the SEX chronicles by ZANE.
I felt like I had reading rainbow porn in my hands and had to quickly give back the book.
I always feel wrong with those things...never felt wrong watching love scenes no matter how graphic cause you can feel the love they're sharing....
I love Barnes &Nobles ..the only place where you could lie on the floor sit there for hours reading and not pay a dime. My kind of place...a poor people place LOL
Joshua had a big book of breasts...picture of tits page after page.
They should have a big book of testicles its only fair I think.
I mean, we show a little breast cleavage, you show a little scrotum cleavage...
Its all good:]
give your junk some breathing room...
Your balls are smooth as eggs
-Dave Chappelle
Zzzzz Night
It was aight they had the "artsy fartsy" books jammed in a corner, like literally a corner so close to checkout it was ridiculous like wtf?!
...yet they had those trashy novels going on for miles
"My Man and his Best Friend", "The Last Good Kiss" type of books
The only people I'll see reading those books are middle and high school children.
Sometimes those books do not need to be open cause they are explicit as hell.
My eyes were raped the first time someone offered a chapter from the SEX chronicles by ZANE.
I felt like I had reading rainbow porn in my hands and had to quickly give back the book.
I always feel wrong with those things...never felt wrong watching love scenes no matter how graphic cause you can feel the love they're sharing....
I love Barnes &Nobles ..the only place where you could lie on the floor sit there for hours reading and not pay a dime. My kind of place...a poor people place LOL
Joshua had a big book of breasts...picture of tits page after page.
They should have a big book of testicles its only fair I think.
I mean, we show a little breast cleavage, you show a little scrotum cleavage...
Its all good:]
give your junk some breathing room...
Your balls are smooth as eggs
-Dave Chappelle
Zzzzz Night
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Henry the 13th
*white girl screaming/screeching
....Jus when you thought it was over...It isn't Why dear Jesus?!!
What have I done? I didn't lead him on or anything!
Okay. So my stalker/ I thought we were just friends/but he got all creepy/sixth grade boy showed up to my apartment yesterday.
Sasha and I were playing monopoly [ I won. Of course, I always know how to use money unlike these aquarians LOL] I was sick so that's basically all I can do.
The doorbell rings, Sumra goes to answer it, she's kinda like the doorbell person. We always let her answer and there's silence. Sasha calls out "Who is it?"
Sumra comes in and whispers "HENRY!!"
My face totally collapses...
Sasha: What you said
Sumra:I asked "who is it?" he said "Henry" he said that mom said it was okay for him to talk to shoshannah and I said hold on
Sasha: Why?
Me: Jus say I'm not here.
Sasha: yeah
So Sumra delivers the message and she comes back and said Henry says to tell me, that he came by.
This is a long ass story, a lot of history between this boy and I.
My mom calls him "lost"
I call it see-sawing into ghetto insanity.
I officially ended our friendship like two or three years ago...
but like JASON he just keeps coming back

I don't know why he doesn't move on with his life. I shudder when I hear that name except for Henry on Ugly Betty..Ooo that nerd can get it
Anygays back to the the story
I sometimes see him outside on our block and he knows the people and he's just chilling and I'll see him stalk our building and look up into our windows for a glimpse...
The thing that really creeped me out was that our building has a gate on it with no intercom or bells so you always need a key. So I know this boy was stalking my door until someone came out so he could get in!!!
I'm glad we got a pitbull, I mean I don't think he's violent but just in case....
I mean i could take him on he's only 5'3 and about 170lbs but still.
A random thought jus popped up

Don't the guy from tokio hotel look like something from CATS! the broadway musical?
**...Jellicle cats, Magical jellicle cats *breaks out jazz hands and sashays off post***
*white girl screaming/screeching
....Jus when you thought it was over...It isn't Why dear Jesus?!!
What have I done? I didn't lead him on or anything!
Okay. So my stalker/ I thought we were just friends/but he got all creepy/sixth grade boy showed up to my apartment yesterday.
Sasha and I were playing monopoly [ I won. Of course, I always know how to use money unlike these aquarians LOL] I was sick so that's basically all I can do.
The doorbell rings, Sumra goes to answer it, she's kinda like the doorbell person. We always let her answer and there's silence. Sasha calls out "Who is it?"
Sumra comes in and whispers "HENRY!!"
My face totally collapses...
Sasha: What you said
Sumra:I asked "who is it?" he said "Henry" he said that mom said it was okay for him to talk to shoshannah and I said hold on
Sasha: Why?
Me: Jus say I'm not here.
Sasha: yeah
So Sumra delivers the message and she comes back and said Henry says to tell me, that he came by.
This is a long ass story, a lot of history between this boy and I.
My mom calls him "lost"
I call it see-sawing into ghetto insanity.
I officially ended our friendship like two or three years ago...
but like JASON he just keeps coming back

I don't know why he doesn't move on with his life. I shudder when I hear that name except for Henry on Ugly Betty..Ooo that nerd can get it
Anygays back to the the story
I sometimes see him outside on our block and he knows the people and he's just chilling and I'll see him stalk our building and look up into our windows for a glimpse...
The thing that really creeped me out was that our building has a gate on it with no intercom or bells so you always need a key. So I know this boy was stalking my door until someone came out so he could get in!!!
I'm glad we got a pitbull, I mean I don't think he's violent but just in case....
I mean i could take him on he's only 5'3 and about 170lbs but still.
A random thought jus popped up

Don't the guy from tokio hotel look like something from CATS! the broadway musical?
**...Jellicle cats, Magical jellicle cats *breaks out jazz hands and sashays off post***
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Funny Moment
Umm Sasha and I are walking up Kingsbridge. There's normally some homeless guy chilling on the sidewalk by the building. My God is he the laziest bum I have ever seen...
I guess the weather is nice so he doesn't have to hustle as yet.
Well he's there in his usual spot and smoking a cigarette and there's Tickle Me Elmo, laughing
and this dude is jus smoking and looking at this elmo like he is telling him the secret to life.
We jus started laughing I mean this is the oddest shit I have ever seen.
I mean I could look at this in a poetic way and take a black and white picture, but this was too funny and the reason it was so funny because it really was so sad.
...Naw it was really funny.
and once Tickle Me Elmo stop laughing he would start him all over again.
I jus wanted to know where he got the Tickle Me Elmo from?
It was some icing on the cake though because we jus came from lala land for a job at RiteAid and the boss ran out of applications like WTF?! Don't you keep a copy and xerox them for later...
I guess they do need help.
I'm sick, well not dying but my throat is killing me...ugh
threw up a little, but luckily Kingston[the dog] ate it..
no cleaning for me
VIBE....poor, poor VIBE [BitterSweet]
OMGG I must shield my eyes from the disaster that is VIBE they've clearly are grasping at straws these days to stay relevant and "in the mix" as my family would say. First let's get things straight I didn't buy the October Issue with CIARA on the cover. Clearly they think she is the sexiest singer alive...umm she doesn't give off that sex appeal...She's really pretty but she has yet to get that sex appeal. And why that pose?
I have nothing against nudity but the execution was so baddddddd!!
Ciara has a nice tone body, no fat anywhere.
They chose to have her squat like she about to take a shit?!!
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a naked lady with just her heels on? get it?
Anyone that wants to take a risk by going nude she always have no shoes on...its more art and less sex. Just because a person is naked doesn't mean you automatically think of sex. I've drawn people naked and that was the last thing on my mind LOL. Of course Ciara was going for the sex appeal but she should of gone sensuality/sex appeal.
*The stage was jus a gray background nothing to shield her but her hands.
* she bent over like she was picking up some ones.
*It was blatant, I mean she's naked that's blatant enough
Inside the mag it more mistakes and garbage that I would expect from a startup magazine.
I thought I would never have to deal with the slackness that is PRETTY RICKY. Anyone that is named Spectacular by birth and doesn't change it as soon as possible should not be heard or seen. His opinion should not matter but they reward him with a contract and money to spread his ignorance around and to make sex-filled songs. Really Vibe there was no one else to cover?
I have to glance at his hairy tucked in butt checks and feel like our society is moving forward?
First of all that was a perfectly good hat to put throught that torment
Second why is his buttchecks tucked in?
Third-Doesn't his thumb look like it was in his butt? He's jus getting a little sniff...
I don't care why one of the members left the group...In fact I congratulate him he made the right decision!
Overall the magazines was ful of ads..Ciara needs Rihanna's people...If Rihanna can become a household name and she really has no talent then Ciara has a running start. I mean she can dance like there's no tomorrow.
Pretty Ricky? Why again?
They say the industry is dead but its really not its just the media hyping up the wrong people.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Diddy can suck balls. [Bitter]
I hate Diddy he has no type of talent except to hustle and swindle people with real talent.
Always hopping on people's tracks with his fucking adlibs ruining the song.
His music videos are the best in quality and Danity Kane gotta share wigs and extensions.
Now he kicked out D.Woods and Aubrey out of Danity Kane...they're done, I mean who cares bout the other two?
Dawn is going solo. Hope she has the team ( Weaveologist, Horror Makeup Artist, Fashionista Stylist, Lotion Applier) that Cassie has...Cassie only getting that treatment cause she giving the goods to Diddy
Why does Dawn look so ashy? I mean she's moisturized but she just looks gray.
Children please drink water it does wonder for your skin. Soda and juice isn't the only liquids in the world.
Day 26...I don't know nothing bout them
Donnie Klang should run while he has a chance
Black Rob
Boyz N da Hood
Craig Mack
Dream (he def can stay his album was hot)
Danity Kane
Cheri Dennis (she can stay for now)
Donnie J Klang
Faith Evans
Gorilla Zoe (He can stay)
The Hitmen
Joe Hooker
Hawt Topic
Adrian Hood
Shannon Jones
Lil Jon
The Madd Rapper
Jordan McCoy
Janelle MonĂ¡e
Poppa Sim
Alexander Rosario
Big Sam
Russell "Block" Spencer
Baby Stase
Stevie J
Carl Thomas
Mike Winans Jr.
Matthew Winans
feel free to add anyone I missed.
Who's relevant?
Who has more than one hit?
We need to ban Diddy he can't be doing this to people!!
Some of these people actually had talent and he let them sign death contracts, why?!
Some of them don't even make money cause he charges for EVERYTHING.
Studio time
every fucking dime they make goes directly to they end up where they began..nowhere
it's really sad to see these people in these situations when all they wanted was to be a star
Oh God, unless he resurrects B.I.G from his grave, he needs to give it take that, take that
Always hopping on people's tracks with his fucking adlibs ruining the song.
His music videos are the best in quality and Danity Kane gotta share wigs and extensions.
Now he kicked out D.Woods and Aubrey out of Danity Kane...they're done, I mean who cares bout the other two?
Dawn is going solo. Hope she has the team ( Weaveologist, Horror Makeup Artist, Fashionista Stylist, Lotion Applier) that Cassie has...Cassie only getting that treatment cause she giving the goods to Diddy
Why does Dawn look so ashy? I mean she's moisturized but she just looks gray.
Children please drink water it does wonder for your skin. Soda and juice isn't the only liquids in the world.
Day 26...I don't know nothing bout them
Donnie Klang should run while he has a chance
Black Rob
Boyz N da Hood
Craig Mack
Dream (he def can stay his album was hot)
Danity Kane
Cheri Dennis (she can stay for now)
Donnie J Klang
Faith Evans
Gorilla Zoe (He can stay)
The Hitmen
Joe Hooker
Hawt Topic
Adrian Hood
Shannon Jones
Lil Jon
The Madd Rapper
Jordan McCoy
Janelle MonĂ¡e
Poppa Sim
Alexander Rosario
Big Sam
Russell "Block" Spencer
Baby Stase
Stevie J
Carl Thomas
Mike Winans Jr.
Matthew Winans
feel free to add anyone I missed.
Who's relevant?
Who has more than one hit?
We need to ban Diddy he can't be doing this to people!!
Some of these people actually had talent and he let them sign death contracts, why?!
Some of them don't even make money cause he charges for EVERYTHING.
Studio time
every fucking dime they make goes directly to they end up where they began..nowhere
it's really sad to see these people in these situations when all they wanted was to be a star
Oh God, unless he resurrects B.I.G from his grave, he needs to give it take that, take that
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