Umm We met in church....yes I know, everytime I say that people start laughing at me. Whateva I like to chill in God's bachelor pad, kick rocks losers
They said he was gay. he wasn't jus mizzunderstood. He wasn't my type.
He was tall 6'2 and scrawny, but that nigga can belt out a tune, like if he sang you a song his voice would undress you...he would do the rest.
We would chill at church, talk, blahzzy blah blah.
He ask me to prom. I accepted. I made sure I was the sexiest bitch there. Job accomplished.
He asked me to be his girlfriend. I said "yea"
been together ever since...
He said "I was different from other girls" that just means I'm weird as fuck or he knows I have my manly parts are tucked back in my underwear.
We clash, We mesh, It's all good.
I just don't like that his birthday is on Valentine's...like WTF?!
I went to a palm reader for the first time...
She actually approached me and I said "why not?"
She had some interesting shit to say, It was actually accurate
She said I was suppose to be with my "soulmate" already.
So I guess this nigga is it...
if not I will make it so...EVEN IF I HAVE TO KILL HIM AND I
*takes out a .45 caliber cocks it back
I got that Paula Patton + Robin Thicke deal.
I call him a "wet tampon" he calls me a "nonchalant clueless bitch"
awww its LOVE
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