*white girl screaming/screeching
....Jus when you thought it was over...It isn't Why dear Jesus?!!
What have I done? I didn't lead him on or anything!
Okay. So my stalker/ I thought we were just friends/but he got all creepy/sixth grade boy showed up to my apartment yesterday.
Sasha and I were playing monopoly [ I won. Of course, I always know how to use money unlike these aquarians LOL] I was sick so that's basically all I can do.
The doorbell rings, Sumra goes to answer it, she's kinda like the doorbell person. We always let her answer and there's silence. Sasha calls out "Who is it?"
Sumra comes in and whispers "HENRY!!"
My face totally collapses...
Sasha: What you said
Sumra:I asked "who is it?" he said "Henry" he said that mom said it was okay for him to talk to shoshannah and I said hold on
Sasha: Why?
Me: Jus say I'm not here.
Sasha: yeah
So Sumra delivers the message and she comes back and said Henry says to tell me, that he came by.
This is a long ass story, a lot of history between this boy and I.
My mom calls him "lost"
I call it see-sawing into ghetto insanity.
I officially ended our friendship like two or three years ago...
but like JASON he just keeps coming back

I don't know why he doesn't move on with his life. I shudder when I hear that name except for Henry on Ugly Betty..Ooo that nerd can get it
Anygays back to the the story
I sometimes see him outside on our block and he knows the people and he's just chilling and I'll see him stalk our building and look up into our windows for a glimpse...
The thing that really creeped me out was that our building has a gate on it with no intercom or bells so you always need a key. So I know this boy was stalking my door until someone came out so he could get in!!!
I'm glad we got a pitbull, I mean I don't think he's violent but just in case....
I mean i could take him on he's only 5'3 and about 170lbs but still.
A random thought jus popped up

Don't the guy from tokio hotel look like something from CATS! the broadway musical?
**...Jellicle cats, Magical jellicle cats *breaks out jazz hands and sashays off post***
1 comment:
thats not on
if i was you and someone stalking me came to my door un-invited like that asking to see me
id go and start shouting at them make them feel weak until they cried and stopped following me
but thats just what i would do
you can take a less mean approach in dealing with the situation =D
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