I hate/love these types of shows ...I am not going to watch Gossip Girl or 90210 (V2.0)
You know why?
It's the same shit...Its like an addiction you wanna change but you can't..it feels too good.
I mean how many shows are they gonna do about privileged pretty people with disastrous problems. We get it.
I'm tired of it, I want something different. I mean as much as they wanna say we're just the same only on different levels I don't believe it.
Let's break this down.
Poor people have problems. Rich people make problems for themselves.
That's as simple as I can put it....
I get the moral of the this week's episode, yadda yadda yadda
after I watch these shows I just look around my surroundings and just feel bad.
How come I don't have this or that, etc.
I wanna see a different show. Maybe a show about someone working from the bottom to make to the top. That would be more entertaining to me. I wanna see the journey, give underprivileged children some type of hope.

why is there always the token black person?!
I mean are there no asians, latinos, indians, middle eastern, etc in your environment?
There weren't even people in the background that had some type of ethnicity to them.
...What really pisses me off if they happen to have a boy or girl of color on the show. They will have 5 lines for the whole season.
If they have any type of love interest the other person is of the same ethnicity.
Okay So I am supposed to believe your show has 99.9% white on the show and that one token black guy happens to fall in love with that black girl who magically appears on the show out of the blue?!

On a lighter note, I love me some office
I can't wait for the premiere tomorrow I will be glued to my computer screen.
[I gave up the boob tube about a year ago, I'm about 7 months clean hallelujah]
Oh Goodness [twindles thumbs]
What will become of Dwight and Angela?
Will he ever pop the question?

Entourage is sexy as hell, Its misogynistic but oh so good.
I feel the inspiration bubbling up into my fingertips....Prolly 2 minutes from now I'll write another post.
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