I feel emotional....
I just wanna snuggle right now, Kingston will have to do.
Pitbulls need love too...They're misunderstood
I mean you can connect mentally and emotionally but until you connect physically there's no "wholeness"...well to me anyway. [yes in that order too, I know some of you quick ones jus' want the 3rd one and worry bout the other two later.] I'm kind of mixed up and I how I feel about sex before or after marriage. I believe marriage is nice but who's guaranteed marriage? Why should I feel different after marriage? I have heard people say they feel more mature and connected...but then again shouldn't they have already felt this way with their loved ones?
An "Official" moment should not determine your feelings.
I believe that's why so many marriages fail people automatically expect a difference after the marriage. Or they change alltogether.
Some women spend so much on marriages, end up debt and forget that they have to continue life and those bills that you're stacking up doesn't disappear after the honeymoon.
They don't keep up with their hair, nails and beauty regimen, because they feel they've won and they can "relax" I think it should be the other way around, in fact you should step up your game.
This goes for men too, I should see grape juice turning into wine, not milk spoiling.
That loved one with certain "issues" its not going to change after the marriage....don't kid yourself.
They should grow....together.
They should be like peanut butter and jelly
They're awesome apart.
Grape jelly on my bagel
Peanut butter cookies
.....but together they're unstoppable, a classic, never played out
I guess people expect the peanut you were dating to turn into chocolate after marriage...
No matter what you're still dating a peanut, so its either you enjoy your peanut butter or you go find a cocoa bean and work it from there. [i love my peanut, looking forward to peanut butter too]

I'm ponderin'....
I wonder if I can snuggle my iMac? hmmm
I mean its more than portable...it has no CPU unit.
It's gonna be awkward when I try to explain to my mom why I am sleeping with my computer.
Although if the Apple company was really that guy from the commercials, idk I like them geeky
I think I'm done babbling just wanted to get that off my chest. Oooo i got my first paycheck last friday its gone now but it was nice to see money in my pockets....
I just wanna snuggle right now, Kingston will have to do.
Pitbulls need love too...They're misunderstood
I mean you can connect mentally and emotionally but until you connect physically there's no "wholeness"...well to me anyway. [yes in that order too, I know some of you quick ones jus' want the 3rd one and worry bout the other two later.] I'm kind of mixed up and I how I feel about sex before or after marriage. I believe marriage is nice but who's guaranteed marriage? Why should I feel different after marriage? I have heard people say they feel more mature and connected...but then again shouldn't they have already felt this way with their loved ones?
An "Official" moment should not determine your feelings.
I believe that's why so many marriages fail people automatically expect a difference after the marriage. Or they change alltogether.
Some women spend so much on marriages, end up debt and forget that they have to continue life and those bills that you're stacking up doesn't disappear after the honeymoon.
They don't keep up with their hair, nails and beauty regimen, because they feel they've won and they can "relax" I think it should be the other way around, in fact you should step up your game.
This goes for men too, I should see grape juice turning into wine, not milk spoiling.
That loved one with certain "issues" its not going to change after the marriage....don't kid yourself.
They should grow....together.
They should be like peanut butter and jelly
They're awesome apart.
Grape jelly on my bagel
Peanut butter cookies
.....but together they're unstoppable, a classic, never played out
I guess people expect the peanut you were dating to turn into chocolate after marriage...
No matter what you're still dating a peanut, so its either you enjoy your peanut butter or you go find a cocoa bean and work it from there. [i love my peanut, looking forward to peanut butter too]

I'm ponderin'....
I wonder if I can snuggle my iMac? hmmm
I mean its more than portable...it has no CPU unit.
It's gonna be awkward when I try to explain to my mom why I am sleeping with my computer.
Although if the Apple company was really that guy from the commercials, idk I like them geeky
I think I'm done babbling just wanted to get that off my chest. Oooo i got my first paycheck last friday its gone now but it was nice to see money in my pockets....
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