..yea "L" for LOSER
Is this not a recession?
Now is not the time to be flaunting cause people are getting pretty desperate and pissed off
No one can pay their mortgage and you're wearing a chain worth a whole damn house including the mexican landscaper
Did you not take a business course and learn how to invest your money?
Do you believe you will still be relevant for decade to come?!
Who's lieing to you?
Who says you're '"untouchable"?
We all saw what happened to Yung Berg there was even a youtube video *CHUCKLES
Oooo Sean Kingston got his snatch through FEDEX
Now spending some money on yourself, everyone does it, its your money....
Yes we get it they painted a bad picture of you, you do good, give to foundations ..bullshit..
yes you're an excellent philanthropist.
I find it just funny that I hear more about Angelina and Brad Good deeds than yours
I hear bout Oprah's, Denzel's
For God's Sakes I hear bout Snoop Dogg's and his support of his little football team
Damn if you spent a little more time in the studio working on those rhymes and flow
Instead of coming up with crayola sketches to give to these jewelers the first time you saw your paycheck, Maybe I wouldn't be so mad...

...If only he would invest in a weight loss plan and a pin to pop that fat ass head of his..
those glasses are working hard to keep together
I think they're other ways to show you're status
*MAYBE record sales
Here's a great one uplift the community you came from start buying land and buildings something....
I mean if you get a million dollars and you fall off. If you invest it you'll have a good life whether or not you're famous

goon? really? I don't even know what songs you made
In the End its always the same...
The stupidier [Don't care if that isn't a word, because flabbergasted is a word therefore i rest my case] the chain on a person the less we actually know aout these people.
**Chuckles LAWD GOD poor Yung Berg damn i don't feel sorry him and his "dark butts" comments...
I wouldn't be surprised if his shits came out "light skin"
I don't know who comes after Ne-Yo and supposed to be "gangsta"
sean kingston looks like plies chain lol
Lawd God almost choked on my juice
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