Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Chicken Nuggets
Ay It's only Tuesday and I'm slowing dying waiting for the weekend to arrive.
Why yes....
I finished my first week at "I'm Lovin' It" McDonalds....
I make your food muhahahahahaaaaaa!!! *cough cough* Nuggets*
I just read that Mcdonald's profits went up over 80% in 2008...
So I at least I'm sure I won't get fired or laid off.
I found out the inner workings of Mcdonald's food... All I can say is "Chyeah"
Friday, January 23, 2009
How Do We Say This Delicately?

Now I done these colors before they're the exact same curl and color the top part I used for my senior pictures and I just love these curls in all colors and stuff I used the same combo Teyana is using but her's is jus .....NO!!!
Who did that to her? Its all uneven and weird looking.
Fire her Hair stylist NOW!!!!
Teyana has been putting her natural curls to rest to try some other things out. Like the straight hair for Her bday and this....
Her skirt is really fun and flirty. I want one...
I don't know how my big ass hips fit into this catergory but I will def find a way lol
You can hire my mom....
She is a an excellent AND licensed WEAVOLOGIST AND COSMETOLOGIST
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Recap [Sweet]
Kermit he always making that stoopid face at me now I caught him on camera. He wanted me to delete but luckily he didn't steal my camera. I put it on the blog for everyone to enjoy maybe he'll stop doing it now LMAO
Umm my birthday was really fun...
I got a job and I don't wanna stop celebrating. Fuck that celebrities are celebrating for a whole year straight why not me?
I think I am mostly celebrating my step into womanhood.
Here's some pictures from my adventures I'll post the rest later.
Went to Cupcake Cafe it was really cute....They gave us free cupcakes
Then I met my boyfriend at work [Michael K] He gave us birthday wishes on the speaker.
I went to Webster Hall with my Bestie Emily. It was really fun but these pervert guys ugh....
At one point It was a second away from rape I grabbed Emily and went to a different spot in the club. A few minutes the guy followed Emily and I eyed Emily and we both stopped dancing. It was so funnnnyyy, he was getting ready to sneak attack from behind. I was kinda sad when I went to the club and didn't meet my "Dance Lover" You know that guy that KNOWS how to dance and go with the flow, even when you switch it up he's right there with you.
They were calling girls on stage. I was really nervous but I told myself anything I wanted to do I would. This was the year of change... A New Me
We went on stage and that was the best part of the night. No guys on stage so I didn't have to watch my ass all the time. One of the DJs told me not to "hurt anybody" LOL.
It was a good night.
I am not done as yet bitches LOL
webster hall
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bday Countdown

Only an hour til my birthday my mother is trooping along doing both Sumra and I's hair.....
Plus she has class tomorrow.
Anywayz I'm just waiting for 12 o clock for the official thing.
I have to get Sumra some balloons cuz she's in 7th grade that what's middle school girls do.
I got my nails done. It was a horrendous experience. I'll tell you about it later
I just wiped off whatever they thought was a "good job" buffed and polished it myself. I bought some BRUCCI nail polish called tinsel very cute. It sparkles...
I find myself just looking at it. LOL
Friday, January 9, 2009
Fingers Done Up.....[Sweet]

I'm going to do my nails for my birthday. The first time I did my nails was prom and I didn't enjoy the experience. Plus the technician made it clunky. I usually grow my nails myself or jus paint them when they're short. I draw so I don't want charcoal underneath my fingernails LOL
I'm turning 20 I want something cute. I love these 3d acrylic nails. They're awesome. I showed them to Josh, he called me a birdhead....
He just hasn't seen me wear them.
I think the simpler one on top is good for my first time. Gotta start slow.
5 days til my BIRTHDAY!!!!
House of Dereon Weave Collection

I think she tease the front to do her normal puff topp but it got flat so it was inbetween flat and puff, which made FLAFF.
Then the black part looks like it needs a touch up...which is weird since its a lace wig
I Love Beyonce gotta show the good and the bad. I don't love her that much LOL. Earrings are cute though
....If ya'll seen the house of dereon clothing line, you know about the post title
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Uh huh [Bitter]
It almost 3 in the morning....
Why my ass isn't sleeping only God knows.
So I 'm just ice skating the internet, going to different blogs reading profiles, blahzy blah.
I just stumble upon...
someone's profile and she basically sums up herself by her body type.
Ummm that's it.
Thats all.
Now I know I was jumping to conclusions but that definitely is a red flag for me.
Anyone that opens their mouth and the first few words are mentioning their dress size and measurements as if you're a damn tailor....
Ugh I'm just highly upset
Like really?!
Now there's that saying don't sweat the small stuff, but I look at that shit from every angle and examine it, Get a phuckling petri dish and my microscope. You would be surprised to see the trouble you would save yourself in the future if you just notice these things.
To make things worse...
Her body wasn't all that banging.
I got sidetrack and was looking for a picture. I was reading Sandra Rose. Damn that woman has something against Beyonce. I mean its hate. I find that someone that hates something/someone/etc...Is actually giving a lot of attention. Why you care?!
I mean hate is bad. But nothing is worse than NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT at all.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
In Other News....
I finished the Twilight Series like last week.
I'm a beast, my inner nerd came out.
Twilight: Ehh
New Moon: So Real
Eclipse: Oh Yes
Breaking Dawn: Yes!/No!
There you have it Ladies and Gentlemen. Overall it was a good series.
My birthday is nine days away...Yes!!
I think I feel my emotions a little too strongly. Maybe I don't let them out so they are eating me alive but I'm working on it. I tried out my resolution, Saying what I was thinking that needed to be said. I find it very relieving. Hopefully I'll keep it up. A incident came up, where I needed to open my mouth and I failed miserably....
Try. Try Again.
I have a whole year.
My ipod touch is officially on crackhead status...
Welp thats it.
Next Week will more exciting cause of my birthday....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Why These People?! [Bitter]

You know what.....
People have no common sense, People might mistake them for stupid but its common sense they're lacking majority of the time. Perfect incident.
We're filling out some homework sheets and the teacher is basically spoonfeeding us the answers. He's going slow so I go ahead and find the next couple of answers by myself. Next to the questions is the location of the answers. So I'm just zooming through, while still keeping track of where the teacher is at. He say the answer to number 5. A couple people didn't hear so he repeats himself. It started getting ridiculous. Every damn answer he gave someone didn't hear and he has to repeat himself....
Now this teacher loses track of himself often and when constantly repeaying yourself you lose track even more. Now he's lost, repeating shit. I don't blame him he's a older dude and everyone has their faults....But these bitches keep asking him to repeat, as if he's giving some answer to some hard questions. Even if he was wouldn't you listen?
Most of the answers are like two or three words.
Now I'm thinking,
1. If you didn't hear, why don't you look towards your friends or the person next to you for the answer.
2. Why are you asking the teacher as if its a one on one session?
3. You know this man is old and new at this teaching thing. Why you pushing it?
4.You can't multi-task?
And here's the shit that really got on my nerves
5. Jus look the shit up yourself. The location of the answer is in the question, Book page, number and verse.
Now I wanted to stab someone. You know when they say your team is only as good as the weakest member...that is so true cause honestly it felt like someone sucked out 75% of my brain and plugged up one of my ears. So I can ask "Wait, What did he say? Can you repeat that? Oh...Okay yeah I got it"
Where did these people com from? Let me state this.
This class is once a week for an hour. It is voluntary. This man is slow as it is.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Lady Gaga:The Fame [Sweet]
I've been listening to Lady Gaga's The Fame. I love this album. It flows and it has a concept and it goes perfectly with her image. Some albums are all over the place and attempt to stay true to a concept. She successfully executes it. Every single track was intentionally put on the album. It had no fillers, I mean of course they're are going to be songs you like more than others.
I like her style a lot. It speaks to this new wave futuristic, selfish, shallow generation.
Now I know I don't like to compare artists to others but I think Lady Gaga is more of a match to Rihanna. They're both trying something new and they dress fashion forward. They both can't hit those high notes or have a voice worth having but they do the best with what they have. Now I haven't seen Lady Gaga live but I hope it better than Rihanna. I can only take so much.
Her Myspace
Lady Gaga's tracks are infectious
My favorites
Money Honey
Paper Gangsta
I Like it Rough
I give this album 8.5 out 10
Hey I'm Back.
....And with a vengeance.
Merry Christmas Happy New Year and all that good shit.
I didn't feel like blogging so I'm not gonna force myself, this isn't college.
So anyways things been alrite. I got a killer handbag [Thanks Aunt Bridgette] for Christmas.
I've been playing with my Ipod Touch non stop [Thank You Joshua]
Among other cute things I needed.
Now I'm just counting down until my birthday which is like 12 more days. Imma be 20.
JANUARY 14TH was a blessed day!!!
The last 3 years it rained on my birthday and not happy rain I mean that miserable on and off drizzle windy rain. So I'll be celebrating on the weekend just in case Mother Nature feels like screwing me over AGAIN.
So I've been thinking about my New Year's Resolutions and I don't make stupid unattainable ones.....that just makes you depressed.
One of my goals is to venture out. Go to different things and meet "live" people as Sasha would say. I mean I like my friends now but I need people to know always where the party is....
People who always have things going on in there lives. Which means I have to step my game up.
Go to the schedule pillow fight in downtown NYC in March.
Go to different bouroughs besides Manhattan.
Eat healthier or at least smaller portions of junk food.
Get my career on track.
Draw more. I'm such a lazy motherfooka when it come to this. Anytime I feel the urge people wanna get shy and won't take off their clothes. It's art. relax. If was between a photo and a nude drawing leaking I would prefer the Drawing. Its more tasteful.
Speak my Mind. I try to curve my mouth in general or dumb myself down but no more. I'm not sugar coating most of my stuff. Whatever I think you need to hear I will say it. No more muffled feelings.
I can't stand people with their own agenda. Like why am I your friend and you always dumping me for someone you barely met? I don't understand those types of people. Be Real. In fact this youtube kinda relates to what I'm saying....
This is Qaadir Howard and he's talking bout Gay profile websites. This is too funny and it will relate to your Facebook and Myspace fiends LOL
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