Kermit he always making that stoopid face at me now I caught him on camera. He wanted me to delete but luckily he didn't steal my camera. I put it on the blog for everyone to enjoy maybe he'll stop doing it now LMAO
Umm my birthday was really fun...
I got a job and I don't wanna stop celebrating. Fuck that celebrities are celebrating for a whole year straight why not me?
I think I am mostly celebrating my step into womanhood.
Here's some pictures from my adventures I'll post the rest later.
Went to Cupcake Cafe it was really cute....They gave us free cupcakes
Then I met my boyfriend at work [Michael K] He gave us birthday wishes on the speaker.
I went to Webster Hall with my Bestie Emily. It was really fun but these pervert guys ugh....
At one point It was a second away from rape I grabbed Emily and went to a different spot in the club. A few minutes the guy followed Emily and I eyed Emily and we both stopped dancing. It was so funnnnyyy, he was getting ready to sneak attack from behind. I was kinda sad when I went to the club and didn't meet my "Dance Lover" You know that guy that KNOWS how to dance and go with the flow, even when you switch it up he's right there with you.
They were calling girls on stage. I was really nervous but I told myself anything I wanted to do I would. This was the year of change... A New Me
We went on stage and that was the best part of the night. No guys on stage so I didn't have to watch my ass all the time. One of the DJs told me not to "hurt anybody" LOL.
It was a good night.
I am not done as yet bitches LOL
I love the new layout, your new hair and now you got me wanting a cupcake. Thanks Nana.
Oh and happy belated to my favorite reader that I don't know personally.
Well its not actually belated because it still isn't midnight in California.
I'm luvin the new do! Girl party it up!
those cupcakes look banging your straight hair looks good
I'm super late but happy belated birthday looks like you had a great time.
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