You know what.....
People have no common sense, People might mistake them for stupid but its common sense they're lacking majority of the time. Perfect incident.
We're filling out some homework sheets and the teacher is basically spoonfeeding us the answers. He's going slow so I go ahead and find the next couple of answers by myself. Next to the questions is the location of the answers. So I'm just zooming through, while still keeping track of where the teacher is at. He say the answer to number 5. A couple people didn't hear so he repeats himself. It started getting ridiculous. Every damn answer he gave someone didn't hear and he has to repeat himself....
Now this teacher loses track of himself often and when constantly repeaying yourself you lose track even more. Now he's lost, repeating shit. I don't blame him he's a older dude and everyone has their faults....But these bitches keep asking him to repeat, as if he's giving some answer to some hard questions. Even if he was wouldn't you listen?
Most of the answers are like two or three words.
Now I'm thinking,
1. If you didn't hear, why don't you look towards your friends or the person next to you for the answer.
2. Why are you asking the teacher as if its a one on one session?
3. You know this man is old and new at this teaching thing. Why you pushing it?
4.You can't multi-task?
And here's the shit that really got on my nerves
5. Jus look the shit up yourself. The location of the answer is in the question, Book page, number and verse.
Now I wanted to stab someone. You know when they say your team is only as good as the weakest member...that is so true cause honestly it felt like someone sucked out 75% of my brain and plugged up one of my ears. So I can ask "Wait, What did he say? Can you repeat that? Oh...Okay yeah I got it"
Where did these people com from? Let me state this.
This class is once a week for an hour. It is voluntary. This man is slow as it is.
I hate HATE people like that! You just want to slap them and yell "cant you realize your taking up time annnnd your a dumbass!" lol I have 2 more yrs of this :(
Flashbacks to college....just because they give financial aid doesnt mean every one should take it.
them kind of people piss me off big time
i wouldnt have laste in that class without lashing out at someone
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