Now I done these colors before they're the exact same curl and color the top part I used for my senior pictures and I just love these curls in all colors and stuff I used the same combo Teyana is using but her's is jus .....NO!!!
Who did that to her? Its all uneven and weird looking.
Fire her Hair stylist NOW!!!!
Teyana has been putting her natural curls to rest to try some other things out. Like the straight hair for Her bday and this....
Her skirt is really fun and flirty. I want one...
I don't know how my big ass hips fit into this catergory but I will def find a way lol
You can hire my mom....
She is a an excellent AND licensed WEAVOLOGIST AND COSMETOLOGIST
I liked her big curly black hair and I also liked it when she straightened it for a more mature look...this is just too much lol
your hair = A
Hers = D
She should definitely think of hiring your moms.
smh.. n i used to like her... she just depresses me..
it looks so dried up.. like a wig of raisans
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