Joshua and I smoked in the lovely Co-Op City also referred to as God's Waiting Room since its mostly a older closed off community within THe Bronx. So we smoked on the staircase we were suppose to meet up with Fran but we decided to smoke one of the joints and meet her and let her smoke the second one with us. So we smoked it all, my lips kept wetting the paper cause brown blueberry juice on my lips....growlss.
So we're high and Josh decides we should go to Barnes and Noble to chill and read books. We're walking and we're really high, it was just regs but I don't know it was really good weed for what it is. It was a windy ass day. Not imma show your tracks hold your hair down kinda day but a Feel goods every now and then type of breeze/hug day. So we're walking and the wind hits us it was the best wind in my life. We stopped to enjoy that shit. Like it was a lost lover that knew how to please me LOL.
Josh: Yo, It feels like a orgasm, You feel it exploding
Shoshannah: Naw It feels like pillows, softly hitting you *whispers* like pow pow pow.
We realize.
Josh: Yo we're mad high right now.
We can't go inside right now. So we're giggling and shit and Josh told me to put on my sunglasses cause I'm a little more obvious than him. [alot more]
We're laughing and then we start to walk again.
Then I could of swore the linenN' things across the street from it was supposed to move or some shit. like I was in a car.
Me: WTF?! Like we've been walking to this Barnes and Noble forever I felt like I've turn the same corner to this stupid building. Like it has 18 corners.
Josh starts laughing at me OD.
We finally get there and the store is closing. So we go to Kmart. We're walking and and the lights look like they go on forever. We eyeshop. I forgot where I was a couple of times. Josh was leading the way.
He takes a phone call. We're still walking....
Joshua: Where the fuck are we? Like where's the exit? Yo I knew where we were going until I took the phone call then I totally forgot.
Me: Omg?! We're lost. Wtf? I don't see the cashiers......
I'm clutching on to him. People were looking at us like we're fucktards. We walk around and we finally saw the cashiers and proceeded to exit. Then we walked back to his building as the pillow orgasms hit us. LMAO.
We had Mcdonalds. Meet up with Franchesca and smoked again. We all looked chinki eyed. It was ridiculous. I proceeded to give hand massages and they loved that shit. You can feel everything LOL
Good Ass Day.
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