Tuesday, June 16, 2009

PSA: My Name Is Not Ghetto!!!! [Bitter]

Okay Let me make this fucking PSA Announcement for all you ignorant muthaphuckas. Just because I live in The Bronx and I'm Black and I wear weave does not mean my name is ghetto. Once they hear a name beginning with "S" and its long its automatically ghetto.

Phuck You.

My mother believes a name plays a big part in a child personality. Words have meaning people. If you name your child some bullshit ass name guess what. They'll be a bullshit ass person.

Haven't people noticed that certain people with certain names kinda act the same. All the Joshuas I know are very sarcastic [In a good way] When they get angry THEY GET ANGRY!

Ashleys are always down for everything.

Christophers for some reason have this perverse humor.

I mean come on your going to name your child something and you think thaat isn't going to impact them? In any way.

Shoshannah [Hebrew]

Most commentaries define the shoshana as the lily. However some associate it with the rose (vered). Still others say that shoshana is a general name for flowers. In the Midrash, we find that the word shoshana comes from the word "shesh" meaning six, as a shoshana is said to have six petals. Some say the six petals are the outer ones, but that in reality a shoshana has 13 petals. It is said to be red or white and have a pleasant fragrance.

It is a white flower of sweet but narcotic perfume, and it receives its name because the flower has, in every case, six [shesh] petals, within which are six long filaments.
The lily, shoshanah, is used generically, as it embraced other related flowers. Lilies had grown on hills and in the field. The choicest of lilies were those that grew in the valleys, in the proximity of water. Perah - flower in the Bible - is often rendered shoshanah - lily in the Targum.
It was a biblical flower and over time Shoshannah meant flower in general. Later becoming the queen of flowers, which we can obviously give that crown to the rose.

Bitch I'm the Queen of Flowers LOL plus I have a sweet narcotic smell. Who doesn't love that shit? I mean I'm mad mean [thorns] but if you stick through and wanna get to my flower[lol] cause of my sweet ass, I'm soft and innocent.

Once Again, This has been a Public Service Announcement.

1 comment:

Authentik.SupaFlai said...

LMFAO! let it be known girl