I can't swim or forgot to.....Last time I was like 9, 10. I haven't gone to the beach since Jamaica which was 9 years ago. I think I an going to the beach this year I have to find a swimsuit that's flattering to my ass. All the while hiding and reveiling the stuff that need to hidden and reveiled. I am gonna end up crying in a fitting room somewhere, I feel it. Sometimes I hate being a perfectionist.
Optimistic Nana: Everyone is fat nowadays so you'll look good no matter what
Pessimistic Nana: I can't believe you tried to justify that shit. You know you wanna look good. Ain't your boyfriend mad skinny? He'll make you look obese.
Optimistic Nana: Curves aint fat. Jus tone yourself. Watch your junk food habits, play some biggest loser and exercise. You'll find the swimsuit of your dreams.
Pessimistic Nana: Oh my God just give it up. I don't even feel like going to the beach its jus sand and water. grainy ass sand. Plus you'll have those nasty nigglets raping you with their eyes....I can imagine it now. Even if you get a swimsuit you'll still feel self conscious.
Optimistic Nana: Oooo Think of all the hair dos and makeup to go with your swimsuit. You can go retro with a big straw sun hat. Or wear a cute one piece like Beyonce's Bday photoshoot. Plus you can learn how to swim and not be a stereotype LOL. Fuck it we all are not perfect and you have no problem with your confidence so suck it up bitch.
Pessismistic Nana: I know she does need to suck it up. Worried bout a damn swimsuit, Bitch we still outta school how we gonna get BACK IN. Plus you need a fake ID. You know they will leave your ass at home for the summer.
Optimistic Nana: Yea you need to make tracks quickly.....
Yeah..... that's how it is in my mind. I would go on but I digress.
Any tips would help or stores. My ass will be on the beach.
i know the feeling :(
i love b's bathing suit, but i refuse to have a fucked up tan line.
but anyway, i would say dont be so hard on yaself. but i know exactly what you mean with the whole self concious weight thing. it gets to you sometimes. i say just search for something that makes you feel good despite what everyone may think. i mean dont wear something where everything hangs loose, but something appealing to the eyes. either way nigglets are gonna eye fuck you. its in their nature. just make sure you give em something good to look at. :)
Girls are so insecure for no reason!
Guys like a good looking girl, but the def like a girl that is more confident!... We look at face I know some BIG girls with THE prettiest faces and they put their skinny friend to shame!...LIKE YOU and LOVE YOU!... LEave that insecure shit for another race!
Damn lol im not that insecure....or am i?
anyways thanks for the upbeat attitude...my ass was trippin' as usual. plus thick girls look better naked than boney ones....supaflai. I totally forgot bout the tan lines
gotta wear SPF 1000
land ho! we out to the dirty ass beach... oo so hot and musty with dirty ass naggers hawking our asses..
u dont have to worry about how you looking.
i look good for the both of us :]
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