I went to this party last nite......I should of left at 10 pm and went to bed so I wouldn't feel like shit for church lol. There was a toddler there and a baby....
Blank Stare
The music was mad fucking loud for no reason. I thought the baby was gonna go deaf.
Times passes and it seems mad niggas came with no ladies like really.....
Sausage party. I smoked and went bout my business and danced with a purple balloon.
The picture is from above is from another wackass salsa/bachata party. Now I have nothing against my latino bitches but DAMN you gotta warn me what I am getting into.
Imagine you getting ready for some salsa/bachata and to dance it out with ur partner you show up and all they playing is ghetto hardcore rap music....It just fucks with your state of mind
Now I don't mean to brag but lets keep it real. Reggae Music always keeps the party live.
Drops Mic****
The picture is from above is from another wackass salsa/bachata party. Now I have nothing against my latino bitches but DAMN you gotta warn me what I am getting into.
lmfaooo im sorry they did it to you. i know when my famiy has parties and i invite my friends that dont know anything about the culture or music...watever...get so upset when they realize that they are not allowed to sit and they are FORCED to dance all night whether they like it or not..
and that whole paragraph was a run on sentence.Horrible dumbass
I am not the grammer detectives in this bitch we write freely LOL. Plus you gotta tell me we dancing like that get my game face on LOL
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