Thursday, November 13, 2008


I usually let my pitbull sleep at the end of my bed. Nothing serious

WELL this morning I woke up. It was really cold but not in the spot I was laying.

I didn't think nothing of it. The landlord puts the heat way up in the night and lets us freeze the rest of the day.

I just assume it was sweat. wasn't

Kingston pissed on my bed.

My warm comforter and my sheets soak with dog piss.

I was damp too.

Do you know how disgusted I felt?
Do you know what dog piss smells like?

Kingston is officially back on training mode.

This is her first Winter and she is not spending it inside, pissing and shitting everywhere cause she's cold.


Anonymous said...

Do you think about world domination or dream about actually ruling?

Bang Bang said...

Haven't we all....