I just got these today they're so cute. fits perfectly too. I am about to give up shopping outside and buy shit from the internet. God know I'm sick of searching for one of kind stuff that represents me just to have some bitch stalk and harass me so she can get the same thing. In the same damn color!!!
I remember when Vans were "in" and I got a pair not the checkered kind but one with outlines of roses and graph pattern beneath it. I love those shoes still wearing them too. I bought way up in the Palisades Mall...
I this girl had them on in the same color a 2 months later...
like WTF???
really....you needed it that bad.
She knew she did something bad cause she wouldn't dare wear them around me.
Like grow some backbone and wear what you love. People wait til someone else has it so they're not alone. Anyways it was like 45$ not bad and the inside is kind of furry. I'm going to wear them with my tights since I put a hold on buying jeans since they don't fit me rite or my body is weird and I need to lose weight watevs....
*munches on a donut****
My shirt is shipped out too.
This is like Christmas......FOR ME muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaahahahahaaaa * cough * cuff* hyack* muhahahahahahahaaaaaaaa
alrite im done for the nite.
We ate that sonofbitch after this pic was taken....
I like those shoes! Coming to your blog I see you have a good sense of style lol while reading your story about the girl with the same shoes as you I remembered in high school when one of my friends would never tell anyone where she got her clothes, shoes, hair done, nothing! lol It didn't matter how long she knew you, if you didn't find yourself you were not gonna know lol I guess the girl copying you is kinda like flattery? but I could see where it could get annoying lol
I've been wearing them non stop...its ridiculous.
I don't take them off until I head to bed. Thanks I try to use my clothes as paint and me as the sexy ass canvas LOL
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