Why am I the odd one out cause I actually do what I feel?
Does that make me a bad person?
Or should I act one way to society and be myself at home or with a loved one?
My opinions, beliefs, feelings, are mine own. I shouldn't apologize to no one because they are strong.
Jus because my opinions are strong doesn't mean I'm trying to shove it down your throat.
My mother raised me to have an open mind.
She did a good job, she did it so well I'm more open-minded than her. I observe and think before I speak. I know the consequences of my actions, good and bad. I strive for what I want with a blind determination. You only get the things you think you deserve. This is not cockiness because I will pay the price and suffer to get where I want to be. When everyone's hope is dwindling that's when mine is flourishing. I will not be in a corner and let life beat the shit out of me. I'm stubborn where it sometimes hurt me, but I always listen when people critique me and although it seems sometimes I didn't take anything with me, I did. I'm emotionally guarded and I use my jokes as a shield. I'm a negative realist and its usually the truth for people around and a negative attribute for me.
You don't have to tell me what you're going through cause I already know AND no its because I'm psychic its because I observe I see your body language and when people miss things I usually pick it up. I play dumb dumb sometimes just so people really don't see the potential ....all the while I already know what you are going to do. I know I do this to protect myself, people always want to destroy what's potential in people cause they have none in themselves. I don't tell people what's going to happen in their life because they need to go through their shit. Just like my mother watch me fuck up sometimes you have to learn through experience.
I'm still figuring out shit myself and I don't need....
The Church Going Woman
first of all I would like to say FUCK YOU. You can't hold your nose over my head and tell me I'm a sinner and such. Where were you when you were 19, not church so please save the shit. You ain't fooling me and you sure ain't fooling GOD. You're suppose to guide me and yet you take your time out to judge and spew nastiness. All the meanwhile giving GOD a bad name.
Most likely you are there because you got old and no one wanted your old punani.
I'm not talking bout the dedicated REAL women, jus whoever this applies to
The Forgetful Parents
Ya'll are the reason children hate authority. not because they love anarchy its because ya'll had the power and didn't know what the fuck to do with it. Blaming society for your sluts and deadbeat dads. You hide your colorful past and act like angels and chastise your children like you don't remember what its like to be young. Truth will set you free. Once you are honest with your children they will respect you. They might not respect what you did but I guarantee they will return the favor. I do. So what if you use your boyfriends to pay the rent!! You did what you had to do to survive. So please don't act like you don't know what's up when your daughter is acting the same way. The thing is whether you tell us the truth or not we know already. Deep down we know, we know.
Cap'n Save Em Teachers
I hate those teachers who have nothing to do with the failure of students but are proud of me and take all credit for my achievements and As. Sipping on coffee and know you aren't trying your best. You came to Bronx to "make a difference" ...no you didn't you came because you are a new teacher and they won't hire you in white surburbia. So you'll get some experince and leave us high and dry. You don't get us and call us rowdy and a lost case. Did you take te time to relate to us? I mean I have to find a way to relate to American Culture...but you don't have to because our culture is miniscule and your culture isn't a culture but the only way to learn and live.
BTW If they make another movie bout a surburban white teacher saving some underprivileged ethnic kids imma kill someone
I really don't like religion because you lose touch with the essence of why the religion was here in the first place and get caught up in the rituals and practices. People don't see their earthly life as something to make a change but jus a past time to the real life after death. Black christians who sit down and let whatever happen, Happen because GOD is coming. So white christians have a good earth life and after life? Fighting between religions trying to figure out which one is the right one. When at the end of the day they all have the same essence.
A better YOU
I'm sick of the masks because I see right through them, Be yourselves people! I wouldn't like to know Life past me by because I was trying to please everyone but myself. I'm not perfect I find myself hesitating when opportunities arrive because I'm scared of reactions. Or maybe I don't want to realize the limit of my abilities. I know my weaknesses and I will make them my strengths for 2009.
what I found with opinions is that people love to express them but they don't like to hear other people's :( I have been through this same thing time and time again and have a feeling it will keep happening because people don't change lol I think your on the right track though, you seem very upright and like you believe in yourself so all I can say is continue keeping your head up! :)
this was a real ass post. You kept it 100 and I definitely agree with you 100% stay yourself dont confrom to what society says you should or shouldnt be.
Shit...I thought I was mean.
I love the post. Especially the part about the church chicks. The holier than thous think they're sanctified as long as they wear a skirt to their ankles.
Thanks for the Love, Glad to see I'm not criminally insane and that they are others....Felt like Neo from the Matrix for a minute LOL
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