Fuck a Post...I'm mad lazy...I jus got this one from my old myspace blog. I wrote this back in August for Sasha. I know some of ya'll can relate [who I am kidding, MOST of ya'll will relate]
I don't understand these people going around wanting to be everybody's best friend and they're just playing the role and not actually taking this serious. I mean its just like any other hat you have to put on. You don't see your mom saying she's the best mom and she forgot to feed you for the week, and on top of that she finds a way to make it your fault "Well, you didn't remind me!". I mean come on people....DUH. I mean my sister suffered from these amnesia bitch ass niggers [yeah I said it it actually applies this time] for a while now I'm glad she took her medicine [A special home remedy consists of Lime, Gnarls Barkley's "Going On" and of course FUCK YOU BITCH]
I mean the signs are kinda obvious
1. Bitches that wanna be best friends in two weeks
2. Bitches that get amnesia when shit goes down
3. Bitches that talk shit before you even finishing saying "Goodbye"
4. These Bitches either have too much or too little self esteem
in extreme cases they just out they fucking minds aka THE JOKER
....when I say bitch I'm not just talking about people with vaginas. I'm not sexist.
Everyone has a friend suffering from this epidemic. Break ties before they falsely accuse YOU
of this condition
But we all want to deny the plain old truth...I mean even I do it sometimes
Whatever you thought of the person when you first met them its probably the truth
Its funny how everything wraps up back to the beginning, like a nice little package with ribbon
and bow.
...Its just sad to see whats in that package
1 comment:
I think people try to be your "friend" to see what your about and if they can use you, but more often than not their true colors are shown and they get the boot lol
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