Damn I have been thinking about this forever...
Fudge it imma get it before December rolls up on me. Jump with both feet, no tip toeing
Something simple like the pic above... So my ass doesn't get bored looking at it.
BTW if Rihanna doesn't make a new album or stop re- re-rih- rih- releasing GOOD GIRL GONE BAD....
I mean Michael Jackson did the same thing but THRILLER is the best selling album of all time.
Like WTF? Is this the new trend. I just bought your album but now you've rereleased with new tracks and videos. Why didn't you do that in the beginning?
Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Chris Brown, etc
they all did it this year. I should get a damn coupon for the rereleased version, when I buy the first one. If you artists keep pissing me off....
That's why LIMEWIRE and VUZE is my best friend. At least they don't try to milk what little money I have.
Then I have to see ARTISTS roaming the streets shopping all the time, instead of in the Fudging studio MAKING ME A NEW ALBUM TO LISTEN TO!!!
No let's Rerelease the same album, make the artwork shiny, and fling 3 or 4 songs on it[btw most likely it was leftovers that didn't make it the first time around]. That way I can get those Balenciaga shoes and make some more gossip for myself
*excuse my ranting
but yeah I want a FAITH tattoo like the BELIEVE one/
My mom's name is Faith and I need some faith rite now ELLE OH ELLE
I'm tired. Going back to sleep.
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