Tagged..... Loves Tuotierugif
-*Blog Interrogation Rules;
A.)Pass this on to 7 people...
B.)Answer the following questions using only one word.
1. Where is your cell phone? Couch
2. Where is your significant other? Michael K [SOHO] working
3. Your hair color? Dark Brown/Black
4. Your mother? Scott J Aveda Salon
5. Your father? Jamaica
6. Your favorite thing? Me
7. Your dream last night? Naughty
8. Your dream/goal? Be My Own Boss
9. The room you're in? Livingroom
10. Your hobby? Creating Outfits
11. Your fear? Failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Living my Dream
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you're not? Gay
15. One of your wish-list items? Ipod Touch
16. Where you grew up? Everywhere
17. The last thing you did? Post a Comment
18. What are you wearing? ...Jus a outfit I flung together....still looks good
19. Your TV? Off
20. Your pet? Trying to hump my brother
21. Your computer? New, iMac, Leopard 20 inch
22. Your mood? Optimistic
23. Missing someone? YES
24. Your car? D Train
25. Something you're not wearing? Panties...It needs a breeze every now and then
26. Favorite store? Karmaloop[Virtual Store]
27. Your summer? Hot as tits and sweaty
28. Love someone? Of course
29. Your favorite color? Purple Bitches
30. When is the last time you laughed? Last nite
31. Last time you cried? A couple months ago....nice breakdown. Oprah would be proud
32. Are you a bitch? Why yess...but you started
33. Favorite Position? Bow legged...
34. Favorite Past Time? Thinking
35. Are you a hater or a lover? Lover
37. Are you genuine or fake? Genuine. Only fake when necessary, i.e. bill collectors
38. Any Vices? Chocolate
39. Pro Life or Wire Hanger? Life
40. McCAIN or OBAMA? Obama
41. Pro Plastic or Natural? Natural
42. Dream Job? Whatever Pharrell's does